The Simplest Ombrè Citrus Cream Tart Recipe

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The Simplest Ombrè Citrus Cream Tart Recipe: With this Ombrè Citrus Cream Tart, you can fully enjoy all the winter citrus fruits. It has a layer of whipped Greek yogurt, winter citrus fruits that are colored like ombrè, and a sweet honey drizzle on top for that extra touch.

Not only is this tart full of bright colors, it’s also really tasty, really easy, and really pretty. A bonus? Greek yogurt whipped into it and a little honey on top make it a little healthy. There is nothing not to love.


I’m learning that when inspiration hits, you should go with it and not think twice about it. You’ll never meet someone who thinks too much like me. It takes me a long time to make almost every choice. As I think about it, I overthink everything and drive myself crazy in the process. It’s one of my best and worst traits, but lately it’s been making me feel bad.

It can be mentally and physically draining to think too much. There are likely some of you who can connect. And for those who can’t, just go with your gut. Please write all of your wise words and best tips below. I would love to hear them!


That being said, when I’ve thought about something too much, I will finally follow my gut or whatever is really driving me at that moment. Come in this tart. It might not be the most well-known recipe I post on my blog. I’m also aware that it might not be the best “Healthy January” recipe. But I’m crazy in love with it. And I’m so glad I went with it and shared it with you all.

The Simplest Ombrè Citrus Cream Tart Recipe


  • 1 sheet frozen puff pasty, thawed
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • Raw coarse sugar, for sprinkling (optional)
  • 6 ounces creme fraiche, mascarpone, or cream cheese
  • 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon Meyer lemon juice + 1-2 teaspoons zest, to your taste
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1-2 tablespoons honey, plus more for serving
  • 6-8 mixed color oranges, thinly sliced (I used all blood oranges)
  • 1/2 cup fresh raspberries
  • fresh thyme, for serving


  • Warm the oven up to 425 degrees F.


  • Put some flour on a table and roll out the puff pastry into a square that is about 1/4 inch thick. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and put the dough on it. Cut a 1-inch line around the edge with a sharp knife. Use an egg to cover the dough, and then add sugar around the sides. Put it in the oven and bake it for 10 to 15 minutes, or until it turns golden brown. It’s okay if the edges get dark. Cool down before putting it together.


  • Make the whipped yogurt in the meantime. Make smooth, soft peaks out of the creme fraiche (or cream cheese), yogurt, and lemon juice with an electric mixer. Put in the honey, lemon juice, and vanilla. Whip until well mixed.
  • Cover the tart with the whipped cream. Place the orange pieces on top of the cream and then sprinkle the strawberries on top of them. If you want, you can serve it with more honey and thyme.

Please note your thoughts and rate this recipe if you make this ombrè orange cream tart. Most of all, I love hearing from you guys, and I always try my best to answer every comment. My favorite thing to do is look through the pictures of the food you’ve all made.


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