Italian Nougat Candy with Nuts Recipe

Torrone is a traditional Christmas candy in Italy. It tastes like nougat with nuts added to it. You will need to plan ahead for this soft and sticky candy to cook slowly.

– 2 sheets edible wafer paper (optional) – 1 ½ cups granulated sugar – ¾ cup honey – 2 large egg white – ⅛ teaspoon kosher salt – 1 teaspoon vanilla – 3 cups almond – 1 cup pistachios, shelled



Rounded Banner With Dots


Leave an excess on a 9x9 baking pan with plastic wrap. Use edible wafer paper trimmed to fit the pan to line the bottom; leave aside.

Rounded Banner With Dots


In a big saucepan or dutch oven, mix sugar and honey. Stir the mixture regularly over low heat. The mixture should be silky and smooth after 30 minutes of stirring and heating.

Rounded Banner With Dots


While the candy heats, whip egg whites and salt until stiff peaks form using an electric mixer.

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Whisk egg whites into sugar honey mixture slowly until mixed. Whisk continuously over low heat until thickened. Time: 40–45 minutes.

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Toast almonds and pistachios on a baking pan for 8–10 minutes at 350 degrees while the sugar mixture heats. Warm the nuts before adding them to the candy.

Rounded Banner With Dots


After cooling, add vanilla and almonds to sugar mixture. After scooping the mixture, carefully cover the pan with new edible wafer paper. In the parchment-lined pan, flatten orrone.

Rounded Banner With Dots


Before cutting, let the torrone set at room temperature for 2 hours. Move the torrone to a cutting board and cut it into squares after running a knife around the pan's edges.

Also See

Italian Pistachio Cake Recipe