Rocky Road With Malteser Recipe

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Rocky Road With Malteser Recipe :-Despite knowing Maltesers were a great chocolate delicacy, I’m overwhelmed by how much you loved my Maltesers Fudge recipe and how many of you made it. I’m making Maltesers Rocky Road again! This no-bake chocolate delight contains malted milk cookies, marshmallows, and Maltesers. I added Malteser Teaser chocolate, but optional. All those Maltesers make this Maltesers Rocky Road chocolaty and crispy. A tasty treat!

Rocky Road With Malteser Recipe





  • You might use a baking spread such as Stork in Rocky Road, but I consider butter to be the superior option because I believe it has a more satisfying flavour. Nevertheless, it is, of course, a matter of individual preference!
  • For this rocky road, I used malted milk biscuits; however, you could also use digestive biscuits, shortbread, or another type of biscuit such as Hob Nobs.
    You are free to use whatever combination of milk chocolate and dark chocolate that you choose.
  • you can even make it entirely out of milk chocolate or dark chocolate! It is just necessary to ensure that the entire amount exceeds 500 grammes.
  • Due to the fact that they are vegetarian, I use Freedom Marshmallows in all of my Rocky Road recipes. They have not compensated me to endorse them.
  • I am simply a fan! However, if you are serving this rocky road to vegetarians, you should check the packaging to ensure that the marshmallows do not include any beef or pork gelatine.
  • The Freedom marshmallows can be purchased in Sainsbury’s as well as on the internet. A gelatine free marshmallow is also available at M&S.
  • You can find golden syrup in stores all over the world; if you are not based in the United Kingdom, you should look for it in the international area of your supermarket. It is also available for purchase on Amazon’s website (for the link, see below).
  • Light corn syrup or glucose syrup are the closest things to it that you can use in the event that you are unable to obtain it; however, I have not tried this recipe with any of those alternatives. It is important to note that if you do not use the golden syrup, you will not achieve the same outcomes.
  • It is possible to incorporate 75 grammes of glace cherries into this recipe if you enjoy having them in your rocky road.
  • Despite the fact that I provide cup measurements, I strongly advise you to weigh out your ingredients using digital kitchen scales. Using this method is the most precise approach to measure the ingredients, and it will guarantee the greatest possible outcomes.
  • There is a relatively low cost associated with digital scales, which can be obtained for approximately £12 ($16.50).
  • In order to accurately measure teaspoons (tsp) and tablespoons (tbsp), it is imperative that you make use of measuring spoons, rather than the spoons that you use for eating. This will, once again, guarantee precision and produce the greatest possible results.




  Main Ingredients:

  1. 250 grammes of dark chocolate
  2. 200 grammes of milk chocolate
  3. 200 grammes of butter or spread for baking
  4. 150 grammes of golden syrup
  5. 100 grammes of malted milk OR digestive cookies Split up
  6. 75 g mini marshmallows that don’t have gelatin if you’re feeding them to vegetarians. I use Freedom Mallows.
  7. 200 Maltesers
  8. 75 grammes of Malteser Teasers or Maltesers Buttons not required
  9. 35 g of Maltesers for decoration




  • Line a square tin measuring 8 inches with baking paper. The first thing I do is grease the tin with a small bit of butter so that the paper will adhere to it.
  • Over a low heat, combine the butter, golden syrup, dark chocolate, and milk chocolate in a saucepan. While the mixture is melting, whisk it together to ensure that it is thoroughly combined. Remove the mixture from the fire once it has melted and been blended, and allow it to cool for ten minutes.
  • Put together a bowl for mixing that contains the broken up biscuits, the marshmallows, the Maltesers, and the Malteser Teasers.
  • To ensure that the fillings are completely covered in chocolate, pour approximately two thirds of the chocolate mixture into the mixing bowl containing the biscuits and other ingredients.
  • The entire mixture should be poured into the prepared pan, and once it is smoothed out, the remaining chocolate mixture should be added to fill in any gaps. Repeatedly tapping the tin on the surface of the work surface will assist the leftover chocolate in filling in any gaps and removing any air bubbles.
  • The remaining Maltesers should be placed on top, and some of them should be sliced in half with a knife and dot around.
  • Set in the refrigerator for three to four hours, or for the entire night.
  • When you have removed it from the tin, cut it into pieces. For a more hard consistency, store in the refrigerator; for a more pliable consistency, store in a cold environment.
  • It is possible to keep the rocky road for one to two weeks if it is stored in an airtight container, and it can be kept in the refrigerator for up to three weeks. It is recommended that you store it in the refrigerator.

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